Abu Dhabi’s Etihad launches charter and special flights services


Dubai: Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Airways is making a strategic move into chartered and ‘special flights’ services. This will open up a new revenue line for the carrier among business and VIP travellers who would prefer charter rather than take commercial flights.

Guests can choose from a variety of flight options including a dedicated passenger service, cargo-only flight or a combined passenger and cargo package. Alex Featherstone, Vice-President for Network Planning & Alliances, said: “While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the commercial aviation industry, charter flights provide a convenient alternative to travel, providing customers with the flexibility to choose the departure time, destination and routing.”

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This year, Etihad flew over 500 charters including passenger, government and humanitarian flights. Over 3.8 million tonnes of cargo was transported for the  Abu Dhabi as part of the national aid programme using charter services.

Now, to formalise these services under a dedicated business makes for a compelling case.

Playing a part
Etihad also charters flights for sports teams – including a last-minute flight for Manchester City Football Club in 2019 to help them continue the Asia pre-season tour after they faced a delay on their initial journey.