Celebrity American TV host Steve Harvey presented with Al Saada discount card in Dubai


Dubai: The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) in Dubai granted famous American TV host Steve Harvey the Al Saada discount card, which is being given to all tourists visiting Dubai. Major General Mohammad Al Marri, Director-General of GDRFA-Dubai, welcomed Harvey at GDRFA’s headquarters and presented him with the special discount card.

The American TV host was also briefed about the prominent smart services and projects by GDRFA-Dubai. Al Saada discount card was launched officially during Gitex Technology Week in Dubai last week. Dubai tourists can scan the barcode to download the app on their phones when they reach the Passport Control counters at Dubai Airports and start enjoying discounts at various shops and commercial establishments across the emirate.

According to GDRFA, a tourist needs to register the smart discount card by entering the passport number and date of arrival to start enjoying the benefits.

The app has a map to show the locations of all the stores where the discounts can be availed.

Harvey had earlier hailed the UAE as one of the safest places in the world during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. “According to stats I’ve been reading, the safest place on the planet right now in terms of large countries, is the UAE, the United Arab Emirates,” he had said. “They have conducted more coronavirus tests than anybody, they have the lowest death rate, they have the lowest infection rate. They jumped on this thing right away. It has a lot to do with the leadership over there because they are serious, they love their people and they do everything to protect and keep their people safe,” he had added.