Make note: You can park in 1,024 new reserved spaces in Sharjah now


Sharjah: Sharjah City Municipality has announced a total of 1,024 regulated parking spaces in the city. The move will help prevent traffic congestion that may occur due to any vehicles parking illegally on the streets.

Sharjah Municipality affirmed its continued efforts to provide regulated parking spaces in the city, and inspect the use of public parking to prevent any misuse or wrong parking. The SCM provides the parking reservation service for government agencies, commercial and food establishments and others for the convenience of the public.

Khalid bin Falah Al-Suwaidi, Assistant General Manager of the Customer Service Sector, explained that the Public Parking Department conducts periodic inspections to ensure no one misuses public parking spaces in Sharjah — such as occupying parking spaces that are designated for certain specific categories of users or reserved for stores, or parking behind vehicles in a way that obstructs traffic.

The inspection teams monitor these behaviours and take necessary corrective action. Inspection teams will give the establishment a warning for the first time, and in case of repetition, the establishment will be penalised.

He explained that the municipality provides a parking reservation service for shops, commercial establishments, food establishments and others, according to a set of standards and requirements. Upon receiving an application from an outlet, a team from the Public Parking Department inspects the site and checks on its suitability. If the site meets the requirements, the commercial facility is then granted approval to reserve parking spaces.

Ali Ahmad Abu Ghazin, the municipality’s Director of the Public Parking Department, highlighted that the reserved parking lots in the city of Sharjah are 1,024 lots. He added that this contribute to organising the process of reserving parking spaces, supporting the owners of establishments and avoid traffic obstruction, which come under the framework of supporting economic activities in the city of Sharjah.

Abu Ghazian explained that the reservation of these parking lots is not 24 hours, but becomes public parking from 10pm to 8am in front of commercial shops, and therefore the public has the right to use them without being subjected to violation.

The reserved parking for banks becomes public after the end of working hours, and based on the timing shown on the board installed in front of the bank branch. These slots can be used by the public after paying fees excluding health sector facilities such as hospitals, pharmacies, tourism sector and hotels, pointing out that there are signboards in front of the bank branch, showing information such as the name of the shop, the fine of parking for non-customers and the duration of the booking.