Minimum Dh50,000 fine and imprisonment: UAE Public Prosecution warns against hate speech


Dubai: The UAE Prosecution has released a video explaining the penalty for possession and distribution of documents, publications and recordings for provoking hate speech.

In a tweet by barq, the video explains that provoking hate speech is a crime punishable by law. According to Article 12 of the Federal Decree Law no. 2 of 2015 of combating discrimination and hatred, a person found guilty shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than one year and to a fine of not less than Dh50,000 and not exceeding Dh200,000.

This applies to whoever acquires or possesses documents, publications, recording and movies tapes, discs, software, smart applications or information in the field of electronic services or any industrial materials or other things involving the means of distribution that are intended for distribution or open for public aiming to offend religions, provoke discrimination or hate speech.

The same punishment shall apply to any person who acquires or possesses any means of printing, recording, storage, sound or visual recording devices or other means of publication, broadcasting or promotion that are used, with his knowledge, in the commission of any of the crimes set forth in the present Federal Decree.