What are the benefits of loyalty programs?


Customer loyalty is key to the success of any business, and for a customer base to remain loyal, appreciation and rewards are crucial. Nowadays, banks have loyalty programs that reward their customers handsomely. If the whole idea of loyalty programs seems complicated and you aren’t sure how to benefit from them, this article has got you covered. Read on to learn more about loyalty programs, how they work, what to expect, and their advantages.

What is a loyalty program?

Bank loyalty programs aren’t much different from other reward programs you come across. The only difference here is that banks give you better, more valuable rewards. These programs are a way to both reward and incentivise loyal clients to use their credit or debit cards to pay for goods and services. That way, you get “something back,” a reward for that simple action. So, in reality, loyalty programs allow you to get the most out of having an account in a certain bank. By entering this program, you get to shop and earn rewards, and the best thing of all is the versatility. You, as a client, choose the way you want to receive your reward.

Who has the best loyalty rewards program?

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When it comes to shopping loyalty rewards and other perks, some of the best programs in the UAE include:

· First Abu Dhabi Bank FAB Rewards – an exclusive loyalty program that rewards bank clients in a convenient and practical way. The program is simple, allows you to maximise online shopping rewards, and offers an extensive selection of rewards for you to choose from. The reason this is the best reward program is down to the versatility of special deals, redeem options and ways to get useful prizes for your loyalty.

· TouchPoints Rewards Program from Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank – customers are enrolled in this program automatically once they receive a debit or credit card. In the TouchPoints program, you get points when you shop or use an ATM card.

· Emirates NBD Rewards Program – clients earn miles and points on local and international purchases, but the points depend on the type of card used. There are no extra points earned by using other banking services.

· Rewards Program from United Arab Bank – to earn shopping rewards and other perks, clients need to register for the program through the website or by visiting the branch directly. It’s also possible for clients to earn points when they use an array of banking services.

· Rewards Program from the Commercial Bank of Dubai – while customers automatically join the program once they get their debit or credit card, they need to activate a rewards account before they can collect and redeem points through online banking. You can earn rewards while shopping or using other services offered by the bank.

Options are truly endless, but the above-mentioned are some of the top loyalty programs in UAE. The nature of these programs seems identical, but they differ in terms of entering the program, collecting and redeeming points, and other details.

What are the benefits of loyalty programs?

The benefits of loyalty and shopping rewards programs are numerous, including these:

· Easy access to discounts and special offers

· Collecting points

· Getting rewards

· Simple and easy to use and keep track of all points you collect

· Different reward options to choose from (cashback, miles exchange, vouchers, travel, and more)

· Getting a reward from a customer loyalty program instantly.

How do you maximise credit card rewards?

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In order to get the most out of your credit card, it’s important to join the best loyalty program. A well-structured program gives you tons of options to collect points and makes the process simple and easy from the moment you join the reward collecting part. To maximise credit card rewards, you may want to follow these tips:

· Choose the best program and use the right card.

· Don’t overspend to earn a bonus.

· Check for limited-time offers.

· Pay your bill in full.

· Avoid limiting yourself to one source of points or deals; try to diversify them.

How to earn rewards shopping online?

Most people shop online because it’s convenient, and they have access to a wide range of products and services in different online stores. The best way to earn rewards while shopping online and maximise them is to shop on apps and platforms that give points and rewards every time you buy something. These platforms have become incredibly popular today. You may also want to keep track of special deals and other discounts offered by the bank’s partners.

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Bottom line

Loyalty programs are versatile, practical, and fun. The quality of rewards depends on the bank you choose and the program they offer. Make sure you opt for a program that’s easy to join and doesn’t complicate the process of redeeming your points.